Glen Keane As Inspiration

I love hearing artists discuss their work, especially when they go into what fuels their desire to create. Someone who has always been a huge inspiration to me is animator Glen Keane, whose work includes animating Aladdin, Ariel, Tarzan, Long John Silver, and the Beast. If you have ever heard one of Glen's lectures(they're all over the internet), you can tell how truly passionate he is about his work. He uses every opportunity he can to talk about how his faith fuels his passion. In this brief snippet from an interview he discusses how Beast's transformation in "Beauty and The Beast" was influenced by his understanding of his own spiritual transformation.

(Little fun fact: Glen Keane is the son Bill Keane, creator of The Family Circus)

Here is a sneak peak at a illustration that will be going in my senior project "The Amazing Cloud Brain and Other Such Nonsense"

More news to come soon, hopefully!

December 15, 2009

Hey! How's it going? I am just wrapping up finals, and trying to update my portfolio all while hunting for a job! It's a bit stressful, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I forgot to mention this illustration I commissioned to do for back in September! The client was looking for a contemporary, friendly illustration of a married couple giving each other that "Look of Love". The trick was to create character's that any number of people could relate to, while still being specific enough to make a visual impression. If I did my job right, a couple in their 50s will identify with the "Giving Husband" couple just as much as a couple in their 20s.

December 11, 2009

"Zeus" brand canned fruit labels.

November 29, 2009

"In Rainbows" album cover redesign.

August 25th, 2009

This will be a story eventually. It may take a while to come out though. It has been in my head since 2005 (when I drew the panels below), but I never really did anything with it for fear that I might mess it up.
